Welcome to
Center for 
Teaching & Learning


The mission of the Center for Teaching and Learning is to provide support, training and technical assistance for students with disabilities to educators, families and communities.  Our expert staff is qualified to help our customers in a broad range of categories, covering every aspect of development. 

Picture of Center for Teaching and Learning Consultants
Professional Development is provided on a regular basis for personnel working with students with disabilities. Much of the training is designed for interdisciplinary teams from both regular and special education. Training is based on needs identified through an annual needs assessment. Topics include assistive technology, inclusion, instructional strategies, discipline and behavior management, developmentally appropriate curriculum, and disability specific strategies such as classroom modification for the visually impaired or strategies for teaching students with traumatic brain injury.



Technical Assistance is provided by ESC consultants on campuses throughout the region. Consultants may assist teachers with program development, instructional modification, selection/use/modification of instructional materials, assistive technology and behavior management. Upon request from a local district, a specialist is provided for an individual in-depth assessment of a student.
For more information:
Lisa White
Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
Phone: (325) 675-8629