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DMAC Solutions has created cloud-based software built FOR educators BY educators since 1999.

Services include the following:

Data Analysis & Assessment

  • State Assessment: Analysis of State Assessment Data. STAAR, TELPA and Interim Assessments. Reports by district, campus, teacher or student. Tracks federal and state accountability measures and provides data analysis to assist in developing differentiated instruction. Academic Performance Dashboard included for administrators.
  • TEKScore: Local Assessments. A complete toolkit for scoring and analyzing local assessments (aligned to TEKS, ELPS and/or AP). Students can record answers to assessments using the online Student Response System. District, Campus and Teacher Dashboards provide drill-down access to analyze results including the 1-Click Report feature.
  • TAG: TEKS Assessment Generator/Online Test Item Bank. Create Local assessments. Select from original content aligned to state standards or create your won. TEA Released items and TEKS Resource System items are also available.
  • TPRI: Early Reading Performance. TPRI data collection, reporting and analysis.
  • Tejas LEE: Early Reading Performance. Tejas LEE data collection, reporting and analysis.
  • lead4ward: Data Tools. Harness the power of DMAC to create digital versions of data tools recommended by lead4ward during their statewide trainings on how to use state and local data to help students and improve instruction.

Planning Tools

  • PlanWorks: District/Campus Improvement Plans. Develop and maintain plans that comply with state and federal requirements (TEA and ESSA). Features include secure multi-user access online; automatic reconciliation of funds attached to resources in a goal, strategy or objective; copy plans from previous years; Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) module; and more. Integrates with other DMAC applications making it possible to include relevant state and local data or attach custom forms.
  • LPAC: Documentation of LPAC Process. Create and manage ESL and Bilingual forms and letters. Integrates with other DMAC applications assisting with data entry and documentation for EL population. Features include a real-time Dashboard, reports and digital signatures available for parents and committee members.
  • Learning Plans: Create and maintain documentation for struggling students. Historical plans, progress monitoring, and assessment data complete the interactive web-based plans.
  • FormWorks: Custom Online Forms. Create forms and collect data. Forms can be stand-alone (e.g., district surveys, travel requests) or linked to other DMAC applications including T-TESS, RtI, Student Portfolio and others.
  • Appraisals: T-TESS, T-PESS & PDAS. Allows administrators to meet state-mandated requirements for teacher and principal appraisals. Educators are able to complete and electronically sign their documentation online.
  • PGP-High School & PGP-Intervention: Personal Graduation Plan (HS). Develop and maintain four-year plans for high school students. Select assigned courses, graduation plans, Endorsements, Programs of Study and document credits. Meets requirements of HB5. PGP Intervention (MS/JH). Develop state-mandated personal graduation plans documenting intervention/monitoring plans and student/parent goals.
  • CIA Alignment: Curriculum Instruction and Assessment. Align and map district built curriculum (i.e., TEKS, ELPS and AP). Users can connect planned instruction to performance on state assessments in order to increase student achievement. Print, export and share documentation with ease.
  • SSI: Student Success Initiative. Develop/maintain accelerated instruction plans for students in grades 5 and 8 who have failed the Reading and/or Math portion of state tests. Includes all state forms required for the Grade Placement Committee.

For more information and pricing contact:

Jana Higgins

(325) 675-8610