Administration - Board Minutes
February 15, 2024

The Board of Directors of Region 14 Education Service Center met in regular session at 11:30 a.m. on
Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 1850 Highway 351; Abilene, Texas.

Board members present were: Dr. Gene Shelhamer, Don Ballard, Dr. Barry Hoefer, Kay Hamlin, Jay
Waller and Sue Pond.

Staff members present were: Shane Fields, Emily Jeffrey, Rose Burks, Melissa Morales, Angie Mendoza,
Emilia Moreno, Cody Carson, Kevin Hill, Tina Wyatt and Lisa White.

Dr. Shelhamer called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.

The Board was asked to fill out a conflict of interest form to be kept on record in the business office.
Mr. Fields explained the purpose of this form to the Board.

Minutes were approved on a motion by Jay Waller and second by Sue Pond. Motion passed
unanimously. (Minutes are attached to and made a part of this record).

The Board Report was presented by Mr. Shane Fields and approved on a motion by Sue Pond and
second by Jay Waller. Motion passed unanimously. (Board report is attached to and made a part of this

The Budget Amendment was presented by Mr. Shane Fields and approved on a motion by Mr. Don
Ballard and second by Mrs. Sue Pond. Motion passed unanimously. (Budget Amendment is attached to
and made a part of this record.)

The Investment Policy was presented by Mr. Shane Fields and approved on a motion by Dr. Barry Hoefer
and second by Sue Pond. Motion passed unanimously. (Investment Policy is attached to and made a
part of this record.)

The Investment Strategy Plan was presented by Mr. Shane Fields and approved on a motion by Sue
Pond and second by Jay Waller. Motion passed unanimously. (Investment Strategy Plan is attached to
and made a part of this record.)

The Investment Report was presented by Mr. Shane Fields and approved on a motion by Jay Waller and
second by Don Ballard. Motion passed unanimously. (Investment Report is attached to and made a part
of this record.)

Mr. Fields called attention to the Election and Appointment of Board Members in Policy BBB. Filing
deadline is February 20, 2024 after legal notices were filed in area newspapers in English and Spanish for
Place 1, 3 & 5. Mr. Jay Waller (Place 1), Mr. Don Ballard (Place 3) and Mrs. Barbara Pittman (Place 5) are
the only candidates at this time. Ms. Sue Pond moved that we call an election for the board only if we
have a contested place. The 2024 Election for Place 1 (Mitchell & Scurry Counties), Place 3 (Haskell,
Jones & Shackelford Counties) and Place 5 (Callahan & Taylor Counties) on the Board will be canceled
and the sole candidate(s) for Place 1, 3 and 5 will be declared members of the board of directors for the
next three-year term. Mr. Jay Waller second the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Fields presented to the Board the 2024-2025 ESC Calendar and stated that the Regional Advisory
Committee will approve the calendar at the next meeting. Dr. Hoefer made a motion to approve the
2024-2025 ESC Calendar as presented and Mr. Jay Waller seconded the motion. Motion passed
unanimously. (The 2024-2025 ESC Calendar is attached to and made a part of this record.)

Mrs. Angie Mendoza presented the following budget reports: Head Start Budget and Early Head Start
Budget. The Board was given an opportunity to discuss the budgets and to ask questions. Mr. Don
Ballard made a motion to approve the Head Start/Early Head Start Budgets as presented and Mr. Jay
Waller seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. (Head Start and Early Head Start Budgets
are attached to and made a part of this record.)

Mrs. Angie Mendoza presented the Head Start credit card statement. This is information only and no
action is required.

Mrs. Angie Mendoza presented to the Board the Request for Extension to liquidate playground
equipment. Mrs. Sue Pond made a motion to approve and second by Mr. Jay Waller. Motion passed
unanimously. (Request for Extension to Liquidate is attached to and made a part of this record.)

Mrs. Angie Mendoza presented the Policy & Procedure – 1302.10 Head Start Selection, Enrollment and
Eligibility and asked the board to approve. Dr. Barry Hoefer made a motion to approve this policy and
second by Mrs. Sue Pond. Motion passed unanimously. (Policy & Procedure – 1302.10 Head Start
Selection, Enrollment and Eligibility is attached to and made a part of this record.)

Mrs. Angie Mendoza presented the Policy & Procedure – 1302.10 Early Head Start Selection, Enrollment
and Eligibility and asked the board to approve. Mr. Don Ballard made a motion to approve this policy
and second by Mrs. Sue Pond. Motion passed unanimously. (Policy & Procedure – 1302.10 Early Head
Start Selection, Enrollment and Eligibility is attached to and made a part of this record.)

Mrs. Mendoza presented to the Board the 2024-2025 Head Start Selection Criteria/Enrollment Point
System and Mr. Jay Waller made a motion to approve and Dr. Barry Hoefer seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously. (The 2024-2025 Head Start Selection Criteria/Enrollment Point System
Form is attached to and made part of this record.)

Mrs. Mendoza presented to the Board the 2024-2025 Early Head Start Selection Criteria/Enrollment
Point System and Dr. Barry Hoefer made a motion to approve and Mr. Jay Waller seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously. (The 2024-2025 Early Head Start Selection Criteria/Enrollment Point
System Form is attached to and made part of this record.)

Mrs. Mendoza asked approval from the board to proceed with the process of a Change in Scope to
include reduction in enrollment for all Head Start and Early Head Start and Mr. Jay Waller made a
motion to approve the Change in Scope and Mrs. Sue Pond seconded the motion. Motion passed
unanimously. (The Grant 06CH012174 Change in Scope is attached to and made part of this record.)

Mrs. Mendoza presented to the Board information regarding monthly reports including enrollment/child
count, attendance, USDA Meals and Snacks, the Director’s Report, OHS Letter – Under Enrollment
Status, Board – Self Assessment, Policy Council minutes, Health and Safety Report, OHS – News from
OHS, OHS – Directors Email Digest, Tips for Talking with and Helping Children and Youth Cope after a
Disaster or Traumatic Event, Sesame Street in Communities, Action for Happiness Calendar – February
2024, and Delegate Information – ESC 15 Policy Council Minutes (January 2024), Director’s Report
(February 2024) and Monthly Financial Statements.

Training on Strategic Planning including Self-Assessment and Head Start/ECLKC – How to Apply/Does My
Family Qualify? Head Start Approach was presented to the board by Mrs. Mendoza.

Board members completed the annual Self-Assessment survey and left them with Angie Mendoza. No
action is required. (The survey is attached and made a part of this record.)

Mr. Fields asked the board to approve the resignations/retirements of Patti Crouch, Curriculum
Consultant, Sarah Harris, School Finance Consultant, Mike Wetsel, WTTC/Network Consultant, Greg
Priddy, ACP Consultant and Shane Fields, Executive Director and they were approved with deep regrets
on a motion by Sue Pond and seconded by Jay Waller. Motion passed unanimously (Resignation letters
are attached to and made a part of this record.)

Dr. Shelhamer called the Board into Executive Session at 12:14 p.m. to discuss the Executive Director’s
evaluation and contract extension and called it back into regular session at 12:32 p.m. Dr. Shelhamer
stated since they received a letter of resignation from Mr. Fields, they just wanted to express how much
they really appreciated Mr. Fields’ service to the ESC and he will be greatly missed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:33 p.m. on a motion by Mrs. Sue
Pond and seconded by Mr. Jay Waller.