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Effective Schools Framework

Effective Schools Framework (ESF)

The Effective Schools Framework describes the best practices effective schools and districts engage in on a daily basis and provides the basis for school diagnostics and for aligning resources and support to the needs of each school.  The ESF was developed in conjunction with school and district leaders and included a national review of research about what makes high-performing schools excellent.

The goal of the Effective Schools Framework (ESF) is to provide a clear vision for what districts and schools across the state do to ensure an excellent education for all Texas students. The ESF supports school and district continuous improvement efforts by providing the basis for the ESF diagnostic process and the foundation for the alignment of resources and supports to the needs each school.

Effective Schools Framework

At the core of effective schools is effective instruction: interactions between students, teachers, and content determine learning outcomes. This instructional core is strengthened and supported by effective, well-supported teachers, high-quality curriculum, and positive school culture. Strong school leadership and careful planning encompass and ensure each of these prioritized levers.


A detailed description of the Effective Schools Framework is available in this booklet. 

Common Language

  • describes the statewide vision for the best practices effective schools and districts engage in daily 
  • was developed in conjunction with school and district leaders and included a national review of research about what makes high-performing schools excellent

Continuous Improvement

  • supports school and district continuous improvement through an aligned diagnostic process


  • provides the foundation for the alignment of statewide resources and supports to the needs of Texas districts and schools

Goals of the ESF Diagnostic Process

  • Deeply reflect on campus practices to develop a shared vision of current practice
  • Identify campus and district strengths and areas for growth in alignment with ESF essential actions
  • Determine 2-3 highest leverage focus areas for long-term sustainable improvement

Region 14 Effective Schools Framework Facilitators:

  • Kriste O'Dell
  • Lucy Smith
  • Amy Wright

If your district or campus is interested in participating in the Effective Schools Framework Diagnostic Process, please contact Kriste O'Dell.

For additional information, please visit TEA's Effective Schools Framework website

Region 14 ESC contact: Kriste O'Dell (325)675-8690 or